Next phase of the project, once all sites of my FMCG client are installed with the new Sales & Distribution system, is to automate the Order capture process, as well as the credit information of the Customers via hand-help devices, or a portable device such as a mobile phone or palm device.

This will shorten the time from which all orders from customers are captured, until the time orders are processed in the system. Currently, orders are documented using a form, signed by the Customer, and submitted for order entry after a day's route visits. The time elapsed makes for some hourse wasted when it could have been processed immediately and stocks are prepared much earlier.

With this sub-project, it is expected to dramatically shorten the order to delivery preparations cycle, and ensure efficiency in inventory planning by getting the stocks requirements early, and accurately.

I will have to go through the process of evaluating solutions for this, from handheld hardware requirements to software interfaces, including connectivity especially on real-time, online, remote connection from the Salesman to the new S&D system database.
