Great news!

I have just completed the initial installation and design of my own Picture/Photos Gallery site at myPhotos on my site.

It is powered by Gallery2, a simple, yet powerful gallery software that provides easy upload of photos, and even videos and music. You can upload photos from your harddrive, from your mobile phones, from another website, from another Photo gallery site (such as Picasa, Multiply, Myspace, etc.).
You can select from different Themes for your album and/or photo pages based on your preference of design and colors, and you can set PERMISSIONS as to who can view, or add comments or give ratings. It also has a Random Image slideshow on the left sidebar, and you have an option whether you want your pictures included in the Random Photo slides (which can be viewed by all members) or not.

I am still currently working on the integration of myPhotos with myWorld (an online content management/collaboration site) that's also on my site.

With this latest addition, I hope to be able to provide a complete Online Community website with all the things that you need - Forum Board, Picture Gallery, Online Collaboration, Stories and Events sharing, among others.

Hope you guys support these sites, oh, by the way - of course, REGISTRATION is FREE. And reward points are also given everytime you use the sites.

Happy New Year everyone!